

The Wijnhavenflat, located at Wijnhaven 36-96, combines office and residential spaces in a building of over 7,000m2 that dates back to 1956 and was modernized in 2010. This complex is situated in the heart of Rotterdam, on Wijnhaveneiland, and offers views of the beautiful Wijnhaven.

Wijnhaveneiland, an area in full development and considered one of the most promising areas within the city center, is enclosed between the Oude Haven, Blaak, Leuvehaven, and Boompjes. The environment has been transformed in recent years into a vibrant live-work area, partly thanks to large-scale developments such as Up:town, Bright, The Terraced Tower, and The Muse.

At Het Coachhuis, the largest tenant of the building, professional speaking and meeting rooms are available. On the ground floor, Het Coachhuis also operates a charming café, ideal for business meetings or a relaxing lunch or coffee break.

For those who prioritize physical fitness, the complex offers access to personal training facilities on the ground floor. This is a perfect opportunity to work on personal fitness goals before or after work.

Nestled between the historic architecture of the 1950s and modern skyscrapers, the Wijnhavenflat creates a stimulating and inspiring work environment.


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[ { "address": "Wijnhaven", "zipCode": "3011WS", "city": "Rotterdam", "lat": "0", "lng": "0" } ]
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