
Una Sancta

Welcome to Una Sancta, a protected monument located in the vibrant Karel Doormanstraat 335-337, in the heart of Rotterdam. This shopping street, connecting Westblaak with Weena, features a unique pedestrian zone between Aert van Nesstraat and De Doelen, close to the Schouwburgplein.

Una Sancta, formerly a monastery, has been transformed into a modern residential and commercial complex that merges historical charm with contemporary luxury. After a complete renovation in 2020, it offers nine high-end rental units (45 to 70m2) and a spacious retail space of 292m2.

These residences, perfect for (young) professionals and expats, are luxuriously finished with modern laminate floors, lighting, and high-quality kitchens equipped with induction cooktop, built-in extraction, fridge-freezer combination, dishwasher, combi microwave, and a built-in wine cabinet. With amenities like an elevator, shared bicycle storage, and spacious cellar storage, Una Sancta offers comfort in the heart of the city.

As Una Sancta is highly sought after and units are not always immediately available, we recommend interested parties to create a search profile. This way, you will be the first to know about new available units in this special, monumental complex. Whether you're looking for the dynamics of the city or a quiet, comfortable home base, Una Sancta has it all.


Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-0
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-1
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-2
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-3
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-4
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-5
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-6
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-7
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-8
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-9
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-10
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-11
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-12
Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337, Rotterdam foto-13
[ { "address": "Karel Doormanstraat 335 -337", "zipCode": "3012 GH", "city": "Rotterdam", "lat": "51.91905", "lng": "4.475388" } ]
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