
Schiedamsesingel 181

Schiedamsesingel 181 in Rotterdam, a national monument constructed in eclectic style, is an architectural gem designed by H.J. Kup in 1865. Located near the bustling Witte de Withstraat, it now houses six exclusive rental homes which were created in 2020.

Upon entering, you are immediately immersed in the rich history of the building, from the impressive staircase to the magnificent entrance. Over the years, the property has been home to notable residents, including E. de Kuyper from the famous Schiedam gin family, and Pieter Haverkorn van Rijsewijk, director of the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum from 1883 to 1908.

These luxurious homes, ranging from 45 to 112m2, are finished to a high standard and retain original ornaments and woodwork wherever possible. Perfect for expats and young professionals looking for a charming home in the heart of Rotterdam.


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Schiedamsesingel, Rotterdam foto-4
[ { "address": "Schiedamsesingel", "zipCode": "3012BB", "city": "Rotterdam", "lat": "51.9136502", "lng": "4.4787343" } ]
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