Rent payments
As a tenant, it is important to meet your payment obligations on time. Below, you will find all the information on how and when to pay your rent, as well as what to do if you experience temporary financial difficulties.
How and when to pay your rent?
Rent payments must always be made in advance, no later than the first day of the month. This means that rent for April, for example, must be paid by April 1st.
Your rental agreement or our introduction letter will specify the bank account number to which the rent should be paid. Payments can be made via manual bank transfer or direct debit.
Preference for direct debit
We prefer direct debit. This ensures that rent is collected automatically on the first day of each month, so you don’t have to worry about making the payment yourself. Just make sure there are sufficient funds in your account. Would you like to set up a direct debit? Send us an email at, and we will provide you with the necessary form.
Alternative: setting up a recurring payment
Another option is to set up a recurring monthly payment through your bank. Most banks offer this option in their transfer settings. For example, with ING, you can select the transfer date and choose ‘Monthly’ under frequency. Please note that you will need to cancel the payment yourself when your lease ends and adjust it in case of any rent changes.
Financial difficulties? Contact us!
Are you struggling to pay your rent on time due to financial setbacks? Please contact us as soon as possible. We are happy to work with you to arrange a feasible payment plan. Reaching out in time can help prevent bigger problems.
Do you have other debts and need assistance? Useful tips and tools can be found on and Additionally, your local municipality may offer support for problematic debt situations. More information on this can be found in our information leaflet.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us!