Knowledge base for investors
Welcome! Whether you're taking your first steps in the world of investments or managing an extensive portfolio, this knowledge base is ready to provide you with clear, actionable insights into the rental and management of residential and commercial real estate.
Indexation clause surcharge for residential rent above 3% seems unreasonable: What to do?
On November 29, 2024, the Dutch Supreme Court issued an important ruling on the commonly used indexation clauses in lease agreements for liberalized residential properties. These agreements often included a clause allowing annual rent increases based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus a fixed surcharge.
The Supreme Court has now ruled that a surcharge of 3% is considered reasonable. But what does this mean for existing and new lease agreements?
The new WWS/WWSO: Hidden opportunities and risks in the definition of (non-)self-contained housing
As of July 1, 2024, the definition of self-contained housing for points valuation has changed. Properties rented to more than two people who do not form a sustainable communal household now fall under the Valuation System for Non-Self-Contained Housing (WWSO). This change could have significant implications for investors. In this article, we discuss the new definition, hidden opportunities and risks, and how investors can prepare for these changes.
Security deposit in rental properties: What you need to know as an owner
The Good Landlord Act sets clear requirements for the security deposit, with potentially big consequences for you as a landlord if you don't know these rules. In this article, you will find everything you need to know to comply with the law and avoid problems.
What is the allowed rent increase in 2024?
Every year, there are new maximum percentages and amounts for rent increases, with specific rules for both social rented and free sector properties. These are the rules for rent increases in 2024.
Service costs for residential properties: What rules apply and is there a difference between the liberal sector and social housing?
As a rental agent and property manager, we often see that service charges are unjustly passed on to tenants, such as costs for elevator maintenance or an Owners' Association (VvE) contribution. Incorrect calculation of service charges can have adverse consequences for owners. Did you know that tenants can reclaim unjustly paid service charges up to 5 years later? But where is it specified which costs can be passed on, and what are the differences between liberalized (private sector) and social rental properties?
The liberalization threshold from January 1, 2024! Take advantage of it as an investor.
The liberalization threshold for rental properties seems to increase from €808.06 to €879.66 starting on January 1, 2024. This means that for properties that were considered liberalized with 136 points before December 31, 2023, you will need as many as 148 points starting from January 1, 2024. This could lead to many properties unexpectedly falling into the social sector at the turn of the year. Additionally, the WOZ (property valuation) value will also change on January 1, which could affect the point calculation for the property
Prevent financial damage with thorough pre- and final-inspections of homes.
As a real estate investor, you naturally prefer your tenants to leave their property in good condition without any damage. However, it's not uncommon for damage to be discovered upon a tenant's departure. And then, it can be a challenging and costly process to recover the damages from the tenant.
To prevent these issues, conducting thorough pre- and post-inspections is crucial.
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