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About us

Letting people enjoy real estate

As a real estate company, we are here for you. With us, you rent with ease, rent out with confidence, and have your property managed so it is ready for today and the future.


Years trackrecord




Average review score

Our story

In 2010, Tobias started Perfect Rent from his student room with one clear goal: to better serve tenants and landlords. The commitment to continuous improvement remains in our DNA to this day.

At Perfect Rent, we believe in the valuable role we can play as a real estate company in the lives of the people we work with. We aim to provide people not just a place to live, work, or invest in, but a place which they can truly enjoy - now and in the future.

Our philosophy is simple: treat others well, and goodness will come back.

Our identity


We have an unwavering desire for improvement. By embracing innovative technologies and taking a critical look at our processes and services, we continue to challenge ourselves to raise the bar a little higher.


We don't keep the people we work with waiting. To be able to respond quickly, we are naturally structured and have enough staff.


With in-depth knowledge, we provide valuable advice and make the right decisions. We continuously invest in the expertise of our people and systems

Our team

Anthony Biekman


Anthony Biekman

Property Manager

+31 6 81 01 32 46

As a property manager, I strive to provide worry-free management for owners and tenants and achieve great results for them. It gives me a lot of satisfaction to feel the appreciation of customers when we are successful together. In my free time, I still enjoy playing soccer, which may not be a surprise when I tell you that I used to be a professional football player. Additionally, I rent out teepee tents for children's parties. Fun fact: I am a fan of the Surinamese cuisine and classical music.

Sander Peek


Sander Peek

Rental Agent

+31 6 37 31 93 59

I love interacting with people and coming up with smart solutions. It's wonderful to truly get to know and understand clients. After work, I have my hands full with my two lovely daughters and lots of great friends and acquaintances. Fun fact: In the car, I blast loud rock music.

Stephanie Wortelboer


Stephanie Wortelboer

Rental Agent

+31 6 28 10 01 69

With a background in real estate and a heart that beats for people, I feel completely at home in my role as a letting agent.

I believe in the importance of enjoying your home. A house is more than just a place to live; it is a place where memories are made, where dreams come true and where people really feel at home. That is why I am fully committed to ensuring that people can fully connect with their new home!

Besides my work, I exercise a few times a week, love going out for dinner and prefer to do lots of fun things with family and friends 😊.

Tobias Werner


Tobias Werner


+31 6 12 32 84 66

I value the freedom to do what's right, not having to do what yields the most profit right now, but what's best in the long run. Continuously improving, both as a company and as an individual, energizes me. In my free time, I'm primarily a father, I ride my motorcycle along the Moselle, and I find relaxation through the Wim Hof Method. Fun fact: I'm frustrated that, in my early 30s, I still don't have a beard!