

Discover Assertoren: Modern and Comfortable Living in Schiebroek.

Assertoren, located at Teltinghof 3-59, is a modern residential complex, owned by a family business and constructed in 2010 by Havensteder. It offers 29 spacious apartments, each measuring 88m2, complete with three rooms, a generous balcony, and a cellar storage. Each apartment boasts an energy label A.

This wheelchair-accessible complex, featuring electrically operated common doors and spaciously designed corridors and bathrooms, is situated in the quiet and pleasant neighborhood of Schiebroek. Conveniently located near major roads and the Meijersplein metro station, the center of Rotterdam is easily accessible.

The residents of Assertoren comprise a harmonious mix of (young) professionals and seniors, creating a pleasant social atmosphere within the complex. 
[ { "address": "Teltinghof 3 -59", "zipCode": "3053", "city": "Rotterdam", "lat": "51.955315", "lng": "4.4632827" } ]
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