

Noord, Rotterdam

Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-0
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-1
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-2
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-3
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-4
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-5
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-6
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-7
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-8
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-9
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-10
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-11
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-12
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-13
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-14
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-15
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-16
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-17
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-18
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-19
Willebrordusplein, Rotterdam foto-20


Immediately temporarily for rent; warehouse of approx. 420 m2 at Willebrordusplein in Rotterdam North. The space consists of two separate parts of approximately 300 and 120 m2 respectively. At the front is a rolling door, the space is excellent for storage. This space will eventually get a different destination so the space is initially rented for a period of 1 year, then indefinitely with a notice period of 4 months.
* The photos shown offer a good overview of the space. Before being occupied by a new tenant, the space will be completely vacated and swept clean.

Location and accessibility:
- There are several public transport connections in the immediate vicinity, with Rotterdam Noord train station about 5 minutes walking distance.
- By car, the major arterial roads of Rotterdam are easily accessible. From the location, highway A20 in western direction can be reached in about 5 minutes, highway A20 in eastern direction in about 10 to 15 minutes.

- Concrete floor.
- Overhead door*.
* The facilities with a star do not belong to the leased property and may be used by the tenant free of charge. Repair, maintenance or replacement are the responsibility of the tenant.

Destination and use
- According to the Liskwartier zoning plan, the leased property is zoned “Mixed 2”.
- In accordance with the zoning plan, the leased property can be used for:
- Services;
- Practice space;
- Storage.

- Rent for office space: € 1.995,- per month excluding VAT.
- Service costs in advance: € 75,- per month excluding VAT.
- Sales tax: 21% sales tax is due on the rent and any service charges, with the possibility of untaxed rent against payment of a VAT compensation to be determined.
- Lease period: 12 months, hereafter indefinite.
- Notice period: four months.
- Security deposit: equal to three times the monthly payment obligation.
- Lease agreement: based on the most recent ROZ model.
Please contact us for more information or to schedule a viewing. A business space to enjoy is waiting for you!



Asking price
€ 1.995 p.m.


Total surface

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